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 Helping Out around the Basement.

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3 posters
1 Pair
1 Pair

Number of posts : 32
Age : 48
Location : Compton
Registration date : 2007-08-10

Helping Out around the Basement. Empty
PostSubject: Helping Out around the Basement.   Helping Out around the Basement. Icon_minitimeFri Sep 21, 2007 3:38 pm

Ok so everyone has been doing but no-one wants to help. Wil we need to set up some common courtesy rules to help clean up the place after we play. Me and Sis help out when we are there and I don't understand how peeps don't do that so lets set-up some kinda common courtesy rules, for the web-site and the basement and just make things happy! bounce
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The Felter
1 Pair
1 Pair
The Felter

Number of posts : 47
Age : 47
Location : Sherbrooke
Registration date : 2007-08-23

Helping Out around the Basement. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Helping Out around the Basement.   Helping Out around the Basement. Icon_minitimeSat Sep 22, 2007 10:53 am

Yeah, I know you and Lucy do your share...I know who does what and so on, the only time there a little group effort, is picking and putting the chips away at the end. You would be surprised of the beer bottles, cans and water bottles lying around after the games or Wednesday mornings. Not that it takes a long time to put the tables and chairs back in their places, but I must admit, I do it 90% of the time. When you think it of, were never under 16-18 people, its like a “part” week after week…lol

As for the web site, either we drop a few things for 2008, or we need more help. The arch rival is sweet, but it is a pain in the ass to write week after week, and most of the time....we have to pull a story out of our asses.

Thanks for the consideration; I truly appreciated you thinking about my reality.
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1 Pair
1 Pair

Number of posts : 32
Age : 48
Location : Compton
Registration date : 2007-08-10

Helping Out around the Basement. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Helping Out around the Basement.   Helping Out around the Basement. Icon_minitimeTue Oct 09, 2007 12:09 pm

Funny no-one else posts a word in here...its like an empty echo when you ask 4 help, or point out the reality of a situation. No-one wants 20 people in there basement do they?? C'mon guys a little common courtesy even if your not last to leave pick up a can, or a bottle and put it in the trash, extra chairs can tell who has thrown parties in there house b4 and who just go's to the parties huh? Lovely
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The Felter
1 Pair
1 Pair
The Felter

Number of posts : 47
Age : 47
Location : Sherbrooke
Registration date : 2007-08-23

Helping Out around the Basement. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Helping Out around the Basement.   Helping Out around the Basement. Icon_minitimeTue Oct 09, 2007 6:55 pm

no no...
I have seen a little improvement.
not that bil was messy at all. but i've seen him through his shit out.
One less beer can to worry
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Ace High
Ace High

Number of posts : 1
Registration date : 2007-10-17

Helping Out around the Basement. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Helping Out around the Basement.   Helping Out around the Basement. Icon_minitimeWed Oct 17, 2007 8:02 pm

ok je suis nouveau sur le forum alors Salut a tous et a toutes!!!
Je crois qu'il y a qqc chose qui pourais aider, Ca serait de faire
une petite ramasse avant le debut de la table final. Ramasser les
chaises qui ne sont plus utiliser, replacer la table noir. Pour se qui
est des bouteilles je crois que chaques personne peuvent les
ramasser.... ca serait la moindre des chose il me semble et si
jamais j'ai deja laisser trainer qqc je mÉ'en excuse.
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The Felter
1 Pair
1 Pair
The Felter

Number of posts : 47
Age : 47
Location : Sherbrooke
Registration date : 2007-08-23

Helping Out around the Basement. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Helping Out around the Basement.   Helping Out around the Basement. Icon_minitimeThu Oct 18, 2007 10:32 am

Entièrement d’accord avec toi ! C’est pas grand-chose, mais il faut respecté le fait que ce n’ait pas un commerce chez moi pis c’est ben le fun pouvoir m’asseoir pis joué au poker sans être pris a ramassé les cochonnerie des gens…mais dans les dernière semaines, il y a beaucoup d’amélioration de ce coté.

Merci pour la bonne suggestion ! ça pas au conseil c’est sure !

Pis…notme ? té qui ?
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Helping Out around the Basement. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Helping Out around the Basement.   Helping Out around the Basement. Icon_minitime

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Helping Out around the Basement.
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